Three-Body decay of heavy mesons and CP violation


O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física CONVIDA toda a comunidade acadêmica da UFPA a prestigiar o seminário intitulado:
" Three- Body decay of heavy mesons and CP violation"
Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Tobias Frederico - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA
Dia: 13 de março de 2015 (sexta-feira)
Horário: 16:00h
Local: Auditório do Laboratório de Física-Pesquisa.

Abstract: We will discuss results for the formulation of three-body decays of heavy mesons ($B$ and $D$) in $KKK$, $K \pi \pi$, $KK \pi$, and $\pi \pi \pi$ channels, using a relativistic description of the final state interaction with relation to  the CPT constraint, while allowing for CP violation. The relativistic three-body formalism for the final sate interaction is based on the projection of the inhomogeneous Bethe-salpeter equation onto the light-front, allowing a reduction to three-dimensions and simplifying the numerical computations. The $S$-wave interaction between the mesons with resonant channels, and coupling between different decay channels is considered. Also $P$-wave interactions in the resonant states, as the formation of the $\rho$-meson in the $\pi \pi$ channel is considered within the three-body description. In this case the CP violation in single channel states arises from the interference between different contributions, like e.g. $S$ and $P$-wave amplitudes, within the three-body description

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